MEK Team Hopes to Attend International Wholistic Missions Conference Together

The second International Wholistic Missions Conference will be held April 28 to May 2 in Phoenix, Arizona.  Ron and Jeannie have been asked again to lead a workshop for Community Health Evangelism.  Hessel Kueter, Coordinator of MEK’s Eastern Hungary Team will be joining them.  They are hoping other members of their MEK Team will also be able to attend.

Ron and Jeannie lead a workshop at last year's IWMC.

Ron and Jeannie lead a workshop at last year’s IWMC.

Over 1000 mission workers from all over the world who are utilizing wholistic missions methods and strategies will be meeting together to network, learn best practices from each other and to share their stories.  Many of the leading experts and pioneers in the field of wholistic missions will be present.

Both Ron and Jeannie were able to put to use what they learned at last year’s conference in the areas of micro-finance, savings clubs, medical teams, short-term teams, information gathering techniques and more.  They also found their new network of contacts very valuable in developing the Central Europe work.

Over 1000 mission workers will attend the IWMC

Over 1000 mission workers will attend the IWMC

 “We are praying that Eszter Csuhai and Laci Daroczi will be able to take in the IWMC with us,” said Ron.  “It would help them to see the world-wide scope of what God has drawn them into.  It would also expand their network of wholistic workers and train them in many ways to increase their effectiveness.”

For Laci and Eszter to attend the IWMC will cost $2000 which is not in our MEK budget this year.  If you would like to give toward this project, contact Ron at as soon as possible.

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